Rio Gay Pride

Rio Gay Pride

The Gay Pride in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important events for the gay community.

Every year thousands of people gather to march for about 5 hours on the seafront of Copacabana Atlantica dell’Avenida.
There are cars with big amps techno music, dj, drag queens and about 20 floats accompanied by boys and girls dancing and party.

For the occasion, the participants spread out above their heads a huge flag with the colors of the rainbow and with the words: “The heart has no prejudices, contains love”.

The theme of the parade in Rio Gay Pride: “There is no harm in our hearts, but love is important,” this is the thought that encloses the basic idea of the march, calling for an end to all forms of prejudice against LGBT people and calls for a more just and inclusive society that recognizes equal rights for all.

According to a report by AFP, Brazil has not yet legalized same-sex marriages. However, people in Brazil LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender), can enjoy the fundamental rights on an equal footing.

Homosexuals can have relationships, adopt children and military service. All types of discrimination by sexual orientation is prohibited by the Brazilian Constitution.

Another important event for the gay audience is Ipanema during the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, the Banda de Ipanema Street Parade.

Ipanema is one of the most famous in the world for excellent frequency Gay.

La Banda de Ipanema was founded in 1965 and declared a world heritage site in Rio in 2004. The band marching through the streets of Ipanema with parades, bands and music where the public is invited to attend with or without a costume.

The main representatives of the festival are Drag Queens in outlandish costumes.

On the streets Farme de Amoedeo and Teixeira de Mello and Joana has the highest concentration of gays in the city.
At these points, there are bars and restaurants frequented by young people every day and with a high concentration of gay people. We recommend: Casa da Lua, Bofetada Bar, Gallery Cafe, Lounge 69 and DMA de Ferro.

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